mercoledì 14 dicembre 2016

"Pret a pet"- Italy... the beginning

Our school is located in San Fele, a village of 3000 inhabitants, in Basilicata Region, in the South of Italy.                                      

The Comprehensive Institute consists of a school population of about 400 pupils (aged 3 to 14). It insists on the municipalities of San Fele, Rapone and Ruvo del Monte. It includes three complexes of Nursery School (age from 2/3 to 5),  Primary School (from 5/6 to 10)  and Secondary School 1st level (from 11 to 13).  The Secondary School 1st level includes three classes ( I – II – III ) ; at the end of the third year there is the final exam, then students go to the Secondary School – 2nd level (from 14 to 18/19);  after that they can go to the University.
School begins in September and finishes at the beginning of June, then there are the summer holidays which last about three months. Students go to school from Monday to Saturday, from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m, but they sometimes stay at  school in the afternoon to do extracurricular activities.
The subjects they study are: Italian, History, Geography, Maths, Science, English, French, Music, Art, Technology, Physical Education, Religious Education. There are also pupils with special need and a number of immigrated students from Africa.
Our school promotes the full realization of democratic behavior, respecting the values ​​and the fundamental rules of civil society;  duty is the basis for the civil society and the realization of the common good. Happiness, study, autonomy, accountability , rules of discipline are the priority values of Education.
The aim of our participation to the project is to motivate students and encourage them to cooperate with each other, raising awarness of other cultures and ways of life,  developing good models  of empathy towards nature, animals and  people.
“PRET A PET” will motivate students to become active and responsible global citizens who care for animals, who act in a concrete manner to protect them, making the world a better place. In these two years will be promoted an innovative school, different  cultures will be experienced live, skills to live active citizenship will be acquired.
A lot of activities have been realized to inform students on animals rights and the need to fight every kind of cruelty against them.  The respect of animals by the humans is linked to the respect of men among them. Education to observe, understand, respect and love animals, should be taught from  childhood.
In the classes the teachers  had lessons involving all students with discussions, reports, questionnaires… some videos on the exploitation of animals in circuses , zoos, science experiments, have been shown. Some experts( vets, associations…) have been invited at school to give the students more information about the problems of  stray, abandonment, sterilization of animals.  Students  with interest and enthusiasm began their activities: doing drawings, posters, writing messages, poems, about animals. They produced some original and creative works expressing themselves artistically. They  enjoyed  doing their teamwork.
They all became conscious that  all animals were born equal and have the same rights to existence .
A training meeting was organized by our school about EDUCATION FOR ACTIVE AND ECOLOGICAL CITIZENSHIP for the defense of animal rights .
At school  some experts about environment and animals welfare, vets, zoophilic guards took  lessons  about good behavior and protection of animals. All teachers, students and their parents were involved. Vets talked about the need to protect men and animals to avoid illnesses, the necessity to sterilize dogs and cats to prevent stray which is constantly growing.
 The Ecozoofile guards, who are part of the environmental movement ” Fare Ambiente”, have spoken about the laws and regulations which prohibit the mistreatment of animals.
We invited the DNA Association ( Rights-Nature-Animals) and we all, teachers and students, decided to collaborate and support it with concrete actions for the protection of the basic rights of animals. 
DNA is a voluntary non-profit association that operates at local level for the protection of wild animals, abandoned and owned, in defense of their lives and well-being.
DNA  Association  is committed to combat the problem of stray dogs and abandonment, by raising public opinion and with initiatives aimed at a correct relationship between man and animals. All students and teachers,  have decided  to support  the DNA volunteers to help injured animals, hungry or in need, to raise money to buy food and medicines. Students started to have the responsibility of pets
Students prepared the project corners: LET’S ADOPT A PET and  DONATION OF FUR COAT’S CAMPAIGN.
Students  believe animals should be respected as citizens of this earth. They should have the right to their own freedom, their own families and their own life. Students were involved in the activity of "Creating Logos". The most suggestive logos were selected  by the commission, for their spontaneity  and originality.
 The two best Logos of our Institute are:
ü  The hand  represents the union of the five countries  defending the animals  rigths;
ü  The eagle high in the sky is the desire of freedom and the need to put an end to cruelty.

WE ARE AWARE that often man's actions may disrupt the precious balance
of life on Earth
We WANT to respect the balance and harmony of life on Earth
We students, in the same way  we respect  and treat our friends, our parents and our family,

This is a video presentation of the event

                                         the Students