domenica 29 gennaio 2017

Solidarity Market

The students from "Istituto Comprensivo di San Fele-Rapone-Ruvo del Monte"   A.S.2016/2017

Christmas means solidarity, Christmas is gift: for this reason, we students of the secondary school of San Fele, Rapone and Ruvo del Monte with the children of the class V of  the Primary school, guided by our teachers,  wanted to realize the market of solidarity.

Our art education teacher, Giovanna Colangelo has set up a small laboratory where we all students, with enthusiasm and creativity,  created various objects (paintings, candle holders, bookmarks, lanterns,  on the theme of animals and also Christmas items), using recycled materials: paper, glass, plastic, old clothes and CDs.

The aim of this activity is to sell handcrafts and raise funds to support the Voluntary Association D.N.A (Rights-Nature-Animals), for the animals protection.

 "PRET A PET"  Project wants  to educate all of us  to become responsible citizens who take care of the animals, by acting  concretely, protecting them and creating benefits for the community, experiencing active citizenship live.

Our Institute has decided to support the Association D.N.A. It operates at the local level for the protection of  animals , abandoned, in defense of their lives and well-being; it also  fights the problem of stray dogs and abandonment.

Volunteers  oversee the territory so that injured animals, hungry or in need are assisted, by reporting to the competent bodies malpractice or abuse and violence on animals.
 So we want to support, defend and protect the animals with the help of all , teachers, school community, parents, social communities.

Pets are not  "things" but LIVING BEINGS, worthy of our respect, our friendship and love.

This is a video presentation of the event.

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